栏目广告位一 |
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Well, the chamber of Starbucks secrets, anyway.密室已经被打开了。哦,我是说星巴克的密室。With the coffee behemoth’s Christmas drinks about
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
A parking space, 3.2 meters wide and marked with a pink stiletto, has been put into effect in a service station near a highway in the southwest of China for female drivers only. Th
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
North Korea has reopened a hotline to South Korea, almost two years after it was disabled on the orders of leader Kim Jong-un.两年前朝鲜领导人金正恩下令关掉了对南韩的热线电话,两年
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
2017 was the safest year in history for commercial airlines, according to industry research.根据行业研究报道, 2017 年是商业航空历史上最安全的一年。There were no passenger jets cras
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
Travelers are able to buy train tickets from Wednesday for the upcoming Spring Festival exodus, said China Railway Corporation on Tuesday.周二,中国铁路总公司宣布,从周三开始,旅客
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
Two people have died in Japan and several are in a critical condition after choking on traditional rice cakes as part of the new year celebrations.日本有两人在迎新年中因食用传统年糕
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
Big Bang 承诺回归后仍是组合
Rounding out 2017, K-pop act Big Bang on Sunday wrapped up its last concert as a group before members’ upcoming military enlistment, with a promise to return as the complete five-
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
BEIJING - While their country’s leader has encouraged citizens to work harder and dream big, some Chinese millennials are declaring their allegiance to the art of being average.北
英语听力材料2018-01-05 -
It was the year nothing seemed safe.已经过去的这一年,似乎什么都不安全。Here’s a look back at the major hacks of 2017.让我们一起回顾下2017年的这些主要黑客事件。Equifax1.艾奎法克斯
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
The latest episode in Disney’s colossally popular "Star Wars" series has passed the $1 billion mark in worldwide revenues after just three weeks, a Disney spokesperson confirmed
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
金正恩:核按钮一直在我桌上 特朗普:我也有核按钮,且比你的更大更猛!
Washington (CNN) — President Donald Trump on Tuesday taunted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, warning Kim about the US’ nuclear capabilities as tensions worsen between the two na
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
How difficult is it to become a millionaire?It’s probably not as hard as you might think — if you plan ahead.成为百万富翁很难吗?如果你规划的好的话,也不是啥难事儿。David Bach, t
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
An actress from the Philippines and a K-pop superstar topped this year’s list of the world’s most beautiful and handsome faces by Independent Critics.一名来自菲律宾的女演员和韩国
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
There are few regions in the world where you can make true "ice wine," a sweet, dessert-style vintage. You need warm summers to grow quality grapes. But the fruit must be picked
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
Matthew Walker: My name is Matthew Walker. I am a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California Berkeley and I am the author of the book, "Why We Sleep.
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
UPDATED: Jia Yueting, the colorful founder of the struggling LeEco Group, says he cannot yet return to China. That puts him in defiance of an order from one of the country’s finan
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
THE SILENT COMPETITION沉默的竞争Do you have a competitive colleague who usually keeps you at arm’s length?你是否有个和你有竞争关系,平时很疏远你的同事?Asking engaging questions i
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
Beihang University has acted after a student reported about a harassment case from 2005.在一名学生曝光了一起追溯至2005年的骚扰案之后,北航大学采取了行动。A professor at Beihang Uni
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
They’re among the most amazing events of the wild world:它们是自然界最令人惊叹的事情之一:Africa’s thundering herds of wildebeest.比如非洲成群的牛羚,The incredible migrating mon
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece.从前有个圆圈,它丢失了一小段。它想变得完整,于是它到处寻找它所丢失的那部
英语听力材料2018-01-04 -
I am eighteen years old, his hair was long and,那年我十八岁,微长的头发,The front block part of the eye also dyed in grape,前面挡住眼睛的部分还染成葡萄色,Red lips like with lipst
英语听力材料2018-01-02 -
Dozens of members from the People’s Liberation Army Guards of Honor raised the national flag at Tian’anmen Square in central Beijing on Monday morning.周一上午,有几十名中国人民解
英语听力材料2018-01-02 回忆杀,整个朋友圈都是18岁照片,原来梗在这里!
China’s social media platform WeChat was abuzz with people posting photographs of themselves aged 18, on Saturday and Sunday. The trend showed many Chinese readying themselves for
1. Sure, you heard of the neutron star crash, but what about these black holes?1.两个超大质量黑洞的“双人舞”In June, a large team of hard-working astronomers finally observed som
英语听力材料2018-01-02 -
This is What’s Trending Today.这里是 What’s Trending Today.Did you think you could only see emojis on your mobile phone?你以为你只能在手机上看到表情符号?Well, think again.那你可
栏目广告位二 |