栏目广告位一 |
减肥运动相关口语表达 第84期:食物要一切再切
Unit 84:Chop chop第84单元:食物要一切再切You say you've been meaning to nibble on carrots and celery instead of junk food?你说你一直打算要慢慢地啃胡萝卜和芹菜来取代垃圾食物吗?
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-22减肥运动相关口语表达 第83期:一人份冷藏法
Unit 83:Freeze for one第83单元:一人份冷藏法Leftovers become invitations to overeat when you throw them into a big container that you stash in the fridge.当你把剩菜一起倒入一个容器
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-22减肥运动相关口语表达 第82期:试着用正常的速度进食
Unit 82:Try to be normal第82单元:试着用正常的速度进食Have you ever noticed how normal-weight people eat?你曾注意过体重标准的人是怎么吃东西的吗?Observe what they order at a resta
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-22减肥运动相关口语表达 第81期:精确测量
Unit 81:Take good measure第81单元:精确测量What does a 1/2-cup serving of cereal really look like?半杯的麦片到底有多少?How much rice does a cup really amount to on your plate?而一
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-22减肥运动相关口语表达 第77期:饮食多样,生活多彩
Unit 77:Make variety the spice of your life第77单元:饮食多样,生活多彩We know a woman who lost 50 pounds by eating oatmeal and a banana for breakfast,我们认识一位女士,她总共瘦了
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-22减肥运动相关口语表达 第80期:天黑之后勿做不必要的进食
Unit 80:Don't eat after dark-within reason第80单元:天黑之后勿做不必要的进食Eating before dark gets your digestive system working on your meal before you go to bed,which helps
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-21减肥运动相关口语表达 第79期:晚饭后散个步
Unit 79:Stroll after supper第79单元:晚饭后散个步After-dinner snacks are a weakness for many of us.很多人都有在晚饭后来份点心的弱点。Avoid them and get a little exercise while you
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-21减肥运动相关口语表达 第78期:用餐后要刷牙和剔牙
Unit 78:Brush and floss第78单元:用餐后要刷牙和剔牙Finish every meal by brushing and flossing your teeth.每次用餐完毕后,要刷牙以及用牙线剔牙。Your mouth will feel so fresh and cl
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-21减肥运动相关口语表达 第77期:饮食多样,生活多彩
Unit 77:Make variety the spice of your life第77单元:饮食多样,生活多彩We know a woman who lost 50 pounds by eating oatmeal and a banana for breakfast,我们认识一位女士,她总共瘦了
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-21减肥运动相关口语表达 第76期:外出用餐有高招
Unit 76:Eat smart when you eat out第76单元:外出用餐有高招If you like going to restaurants,don't let your weight-loss efforts stop you.如果你喜欢上餐馆吃饭,千万别因正努力减肥
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-21减肥运动相关口语表达 第75期:别吃得像老鼠那么少
Unit 75:Don't eat like a mouse第75单元:别吃得像老鼠那么少Take a decent serving of food,one that will satisfy you without going back for more.每次取餐要适量,一次拿的量要能让你
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-20减肥运动相关口语表达 第74期:勿把食物置于错误的地方
Unit 74:Keep food out of the wrong places第74单元:勿把食物置于错误的地方Do you keep a jumbo-size candy bar in your desk drawer in the event of a nuclear attack?你的抽屉里随时都有
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-20减肥运动相关口语表达 第73期:经前综合症期间暂停节食
Unit 73:Take a break during PMS第73单元:经前综合症期间暂停节食Women who suffer from PMS(premenstrual syndrome)may have worse symptoms,from headaches to depression,while they'
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-20减肥运动相关口语表达 第72期:少吃快餐
Unit 72:Slow down on fast foods第72单元:少吃快餐McDonald's,Taco Bell,Arby's and other such restaurants offer foods that are both fast and fattening.麦当劳、墨西哥薄饼店、
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-20减肥运动相关口语表达 第71期:持续节食十二周
Unit 71:Diet for 12 weeks第71单元:持续节食十二周Research at Harvard Medical School suggests that the human body reaches a weight-loss limit about 12 weeks into any diet and then
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-20减肥运动相关口语表达 第70期:聪明购物法
Unit 70:Shop smart第70单元:聪明购物法Always shop with a grocery list,and stick to it.购物时一定要带着清单,并坚持只买清单上的东西。Shop after you eat,not before.餐后再去买东西,而
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-19减肥运动相关口语表达 第69期:下不为例
Unit 69:Don't tell yourself "I'll never have such-and-such again !"第69单元:别对自己说:“下不为例!”Your weight一loss program may seem endless,but it really is temporary.
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-19减肥运动相关口语表达 第68期:做自己的冷冻大餐
Unit 68:Make your own frozen treats第68单元:做自己的冷冻大餐What tastes like a grape popsicle but is small,round,sugar-free and low in calories?什么东西吃起来像葡萄棒冰,但却又
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-19减肥运动相关口语表达 第67期:吃低卡路里的冷冻食品
Unit 67:Eat low-calorie frozen foods第67单元:吃低卡路里的冷冻食品As the busier-than-ever American increasingly turns to prepared meals,frozen foods have become quite sophisticate
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-19减肥运动相关口语表达 第66期:戒除咖啡和香烟
Unit 66:Cut coffee and cigarettes第66单元:戒除咖啡和香烟Caffeine and nicotine constrict your blood vessels,cutting back on your body's efficient use of calories and adding io
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-19减肥运动相关口语表达 第65期:大量喝水
Unit 65:Drink plenty of water第65单元:大量喝水Water is a wonderful aid to weight loss.喝水是减肥非常好的方法。It helps fill you up during and between meals.And it reduces water r
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-18减肥运动相关口语表达 第64期:细嚼慢咽
Unit 64:Chew thoroughly,eat slowly第64单元:细嚼慢咽Most of us eat way too quickly.大多数的人吃东西都吃得太快了。And that may be one reason why we eat too much-because our stomac
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-18减肥运动相关口语表达 第63期:和朋友共餐
Unit 63:Eat with a friend第63单元: 和朋友共餐Earlier,we mentioned that eating with a group of people sometimes stimulates overeating.以前我们曾提到,和一群人聚餐有时会刺激你吃得过
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-18减肥运动相关口语表达 第62期:专心吃东西
Unit 62:Concentrate on your food第62单元:专心吃东西Don't read while you eat.Don't watch TV while you eat.吃东西时不要阅读、不要看电视、Don't stand up and move around
减肥运动相关口语2018-04-18减肥运动相关口语表达 第61期:把食物弄的漂漂亮亮的
Unit 61:Make your food beautiful第61单元:把食物弄的漂漂亮亮的Eating foods that are prepared in a tasty and attractive manner can actually burn more calories.食用精心调理得美味诱人
栏目广告位二 |