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大学英语自学教程 下册 un08


[03:52.59]but which have been reset a few hours apart.
[03:57.95]Whereas the two clocks would normally sound their alarms together
[04:03.80]now they ring at different times.
[04:08.06]Similarly,the body can be set for evening while the sun is rising.
[04:15.22]In time the physiological system will reset itself,but it does take time.
[04:22.97]One easily monitored rhythm is palm sweating.
[04:28.02]A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours
[04:33.79]will take eight days to readjust his palm sweat.
[04:39.85]Blood pressure,which is also rhythmical,takes four days to readjust.
[04:46.51]One reason for this discrepancy is that different bodily events are controlled by different factors.
[04:54.06]The hormone cortisol,which controls salt and water excretion
[05:00.43]is made in the morning,wherever the body is.
[05:06.18]But the growth hormone is released during sleep
[05:11.46]whenever in the day that sleep occurs.
[05:16.73]Normally these two hormones are separated by seven or eight hours,
[05:23.19]but if the body arrives at a destination in the early morning(local)
[05:29.85]and goes to sleep as soon as possible,
[05:34.52]the two hormes will be released simultaneously.
[05:40.69]What can we do about it?
[05:42.52]  关于这点我们能做些什么呢?
[05:44.35]It is not feasible to wait four days until the body is used to the new time zone.
[05:51.61]Fortunately there is a short cut.
[05:55.76]It relies on two things--
[05:59.42]the power of the stomach to regulate-the fining of other events,
[06:05.19]and the pharmacological actions of coffee.
[06:09.74]The basic assumptions are:
[06:13.21]Coffee delays the body clock in the morning and advances it at night.
[06:20.37]Coffee at mid-afternoon is neutral.
[06:24.81]Protein in meals stimulates wakefulness,while carbohydrates promote sleep.
[06:32.86]Putting food into an empty stomach helps synchronize the body clock.
[06:36.04]  空腹吃食物帮助人体时钟准时.
[06:39.23]Text B   Controlling Your Concentration
[06:47.50]  专心即是集中你的注意力
[06:49.91]Psychologically defined,
[06:53.36]concentration is the process of centering one's attention over a period of time.
[07:00.52]In practical application,however,
[07:04.46]concentration is not as simple to deal successfully with
[07:09.30]as the definition may imply.
[07:13.06]For this reason,it is helpful to keep the following points in mind.
[07:18.62]Your attention span varies.
[07:20.54]  你的注意力范围是变化的.
[07:22.46]Even with the greatest effort, our span of attention fluctuates
[07:25.35]  即使付出最大努力,我们注意力的范围还是波动的.
[07:28.24]You can demonstrate for yourself this fluctuation of attention.