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大学英语自学教程 下册 un08


[10:57.06]and the pressures of limited finances
[11:00.82]these are only a few of the emotional forces which affect the student.
[11:06.57]Emotional reaction varies greatly from person to person.
[11:09.24]  情绪的瓜人与人有很大不同.
[11:11.92]Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions
[11:17.28]and actually do better because of them.
[11:21.12]Others fall apart under pressure,
[11:24.88]while a few people do well despite the pressure.
[11:29.11]Physical distractors are always present and rarely understood
[11:31.89]  物质干扰物时常存在,难以理解
[11:34.67]Our environment is much more important to how we feel and react
[11:37.34]  我们的环境对于我们如何感受和反应
[11:40.00]than We often think.
[11:43.16]Particularly is this true of the effect of physical distractors on mental tasks.
[11:49.69]One research report has shown that comprehension and retention of reading
[11:56.93]were decreased when students listened to lively music
[12:01.89]However,rate of reading was not affected,
[12:06.33]so that many students were not aware
[12:10.17]that they were affected by the background distractor.
[12:14.64]Another study found that the ability to recall accurately
[12:19.89]was affected by distracting conditions.
[12:24.36]Most of the evidence indicates
[12:28.02]that noise affects adversely higher mental task output.
[12:34.47]Still,the effect of distractors is seldom fully appreciated by students.
[12:44.87]  日常的和揄性的工作受到干扰物不同影响
[12:48.10]Many routine tasks can be performed with distraction in the background
[12:51.04]  许多日常工作能够在有干扰的背景下完成,
[12:53.98]with little or no adverse effect on output.
[12:59.55]Most students have found this fact to be true from their own experience
[13:05.01]They may have had high school homework
[13:08.66]which was drillor merely copying assignments.
[13:13.21]It was possible to do such work with the latest recordings
[13:18.49]or the television set playing in the background.
[13:22.85]In time such students began to feel certain that they could do all work
[13:28.80]routine or problem-solving-in the same manner.
[13:33.56]The evidence indicates the contrary conclusion.
[13:40.05]   例外可能训导你
[13:42.18]Typically when students are faced with the evidence on distractors
[13:44.91]  典型的情况是,当学生们面对关于干扰物的证据时,
[13:47.64]the argument is given that their cousin,
[13:52.18]friend,or classmate can study in "Grand Central Station."
[13:57.51]And he makes "all A's" too!
[14:01.06]There is evidence, of course,
[14:04.30]that motivation plays an important role in overcoming the effects of distractors