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BBC news with Sue Montgomery.
The American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to begin talks shortly with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in the Russian city of Sochi. What the US describes as the escalating threat from Iran is expected to top the agenda. Mr. Pompeo was also expected to meet President Putin. Here's Sarah Reinsford in Moscow. I think what he'll find in Moscow is what he already knows, which is that Russia has a very different take on the US position on Iran. Russia very much believes in keeping the 2015 nuclear packs in place there. I spoke to the President's spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier today and I asked him what Russia thinks of the US policy of maximum pressure on Iran. And he said to me that President Putin has made it clear many times that this is not a successful solution. This is not a way to a solution that backing countries into a corner does not make them more compliant.
美国国务卿迈克•蓬佩奥即将与俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫在俄罗斯索契市开始会谈。美国所称的伊朗威胁升级预计将成为议程的首要议题。预计蓬佩奥还将会见普京总统。 以下是萨拉•雷斯福德在莫斯科的报道。我认为他在莫斯科得到的答案也是他已经预想到的,即俄罗斯与美国在伊朗问题上的有着截然不同的立场。俄罗斯坚持认为应该在伊朗继续维护2015年的核协议。我今天早些时候与总统发言人德米特里•佩斯科夫进行了交谈,我问他俄罗斯对美国向伊朗施加最大压力的政策的看法。他告诉我,普京总统多次明确表示这不是一个成功的解决方案。 这不是解决问题的方法,让一个国家陷入困境并不能让他们屈服。

Saudi Arabia says that there has been an attack on two oil pumping stations by drones loaded with explosives. Our Arab affairs editor Sebastian Usher reports. The Saudi authorities say that the pipeline that runs from the oil fields in the east to a port in the west was attacked. The Energy Ministry says a fire broke out at a pumping station that was brought under control. Oil pumping along the pipeline has been halted while the damage is assessed. But the Saudis say that the attack which it calls an act of terrorism has not disrupted oil production nor the export of petroleum products. Earlier Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed to have launched drone attacks on vital Saudi installations. The Houthis who received backing from Iran have repeatedly fired missiles into Saudi Arabia, which is leading the coalition against the Houthis in the Yemen war.
沙特阿拉伯表示,装满炸药的无人机袭击了两处石油泵站。 以下是本台阿拉伯事务编辑塞巴斯蒂安•厄什尔的报道。沙特当局表示,东部油田到西部港口的输油管道遭到袭击。能源部表示,一个泵站发生火灾,现已得到控制。在评估损失的同时,管道已经停止输油。沙特表示,这次恐怖主义袭击事件并没有破坏石油生产和石油产品的出口。早些时候,也门的胡塞叛乱分子声称已经对重要的沙特设施发动了无人机攻击。得到伊朗支持的胡塞武装多次向沙特阿拉伯发射导弹,而沙特阿拉伯在也门战争中率领联盟打击胡塞武装。

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said her government will consider how to make the country carbon neutral by 2050 to combat climate change. Mrs. Merkel said a newly established climate cabinet was being set up. If it can come up with realistic proposals, she said Germany would join last week's initiative by nine EU states to bind the block to that target.

Palestinian musicians have held an event in Gaza in protest of the hosting of this year's Eurovision Contest by Israel. It's coming Saturday. The musicians performed a number of Palestinian songs and music. Artists and cultural groups in Gaza called for a boycott of the song contest, saying that it's being used by Israel to beautify its image abroad.
巴勒斯坦音乐家在加沙举行了一场活动,以抗议以色列举办今年的欧洲电视歌唱竞赛。决赛将在星期六开始。 音乐家演奏了许多巴勒斯坦歌曲和音乐。加沙的艺术家和文化团体呼吁抵制本次歌曲比赛,称以色列正在利用它来美化其在国外的形象。

Allies of the controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte appeared to be the main winners in elections for the Senate, which has until now kept a check in his presidential powers. Unofficial results suggest his supporters will gain a Senate majority. This clears the way for President Duterte to restore the death penalty and to lower the age of criminal liability to twelve.
存在争议的菲律宾总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特的盟友似乎成为了本次参议院选举的主要赢家,参议院迄今为止一直在约束他的总统权力。非正式的结果表明他的支持者将获得参议院多数席位。 这将为总统恢复死刑以及将刑事责任年龄降至12岁扫清了道路。

BBC news.