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外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第68期:公道的市场价格
A fair market price公道的市场价格A:What's the price?I hope you'll quote us favorably.A:你们的价格是多少,希望你们能报优惠价。B:It's 800 US dollars per kilo CIFC five p
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-25外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第67期:调整价格
Adjust the price调整价格A:What do you think of our price?A:你认为我们的价格如何?B:Your price has gone up sharply, hasn't it?B:你们的价格已经大幅度上涨了,不是嘛?A:Yes, we reg
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-24外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第66期:更新的报价单
A Renewed price list更新的报价单A:We have made some adjustment on the prices ,and this is renewed price list.A:我们对价格做了调整,这是新的报价单。B:Thank you for allowing us 3% re
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-24外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第65期:试销订购
Trial order试销订购A:Alan,I believe you have studied our catalogue and price list. Are you interested in some of our products?A:艾伦先生,我想你一定已经研究过我们的产品目录和价格单
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-24外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第64期:出价
Offer出价A:How do you do? Nice to meet you, Diane.A:你好,见到你很高兴,戴安女士。B:How do you do, Jack. Nice to meet you.B:你好,杰克先生,见到你很高兴。A:Well, I think you' v
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-24外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第63期:折扣
Discount折扣A:Even with volume sales our costs for the Exec Uciser won't go down much.A:即使是大量销售,我们的“健身乐”生产成本仍然无法降低太多。B:Just what are you proposing&
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-24外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第62期:价格与质量
Price and quality价格与质量A:Steven, what's your idea of price?A:斯蒂文先生,你怎么看待这个价格?B:The best we can do is $ 120 per case.B:我们最高能做的是每箱120美元。A:I'm
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-23外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第61期:特殊投标
Special requirement特殊投标A:Are there any special requirements on the project? And shall we talk around it in details?A:在项目上有什么特殊要求么?我们是否应该详细地谈一谈?B:Yes,t
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-23外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第60期:招标通知
The tender notice招标通知A:We are willing to participate in the bid which you advertised in China Daily. Would you please tell me the detail of the tender conditions?A:我们想参加你
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-23外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第59期:投标
Submission of Tender投标A:This is our Submission of Tender which includes the information about volume of the project the cost is so on.A:这是我们公司的投标书,包括工程量、项目费用
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-23外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第58期:招标条件
The conditions for the tender招标条件A:I've heard that you are going to call for a tender. What kind of goods would you like to buy?A:我听说你将会招标,你更愿意买哪种商品呢?B
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-23外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第57期:国际贸易法律
The legal asoects of international business国际贸易法律A:Today,we have invited a special guest. Prof. Yang. He us some advice on the leaal asoects of intemational bus Your internat
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-22外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第56期:非歧视原则
Non-discrimination principle非歧视原则A:China is now a member of world trade organization. As a member of WTO, China will have to make some changes in its economic policies so that
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-22外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第55期:建立长久商务关系
Establish long-term business relations建立长久商务关系A:Tell me. Mr. Han.What do you suggest if we establish long term business relations?A:告诉我,韩先生,关于我们建立长久的商务关
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-22外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第54期:投资兴趣
Interesting in making investment投资兴趣A:What do you think of the project?A:你觉得这个项目怎么样?B:Very interesting.Thank you for bringing it to us.B:很有意思。谢谢你给我们介绍。
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-22外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第53期:寻找商机
Looking for business opportunities寻找商机A:Currently we are looking for business opportunities in northeast China.A:现在,我们正在中国东北寻找商机。B:What kind of business do you
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-22外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第52期:法律建议
Some legal advice法律建议A:What can I do for you?A:需要帮忙吗?B:Well, I 'd like some legal advice .Jane and I are thinking of incorporating .So,I want to find out what sort of
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-21外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第51期:建立合资企业
Establish a joint venture建立合资企业A:I am glad to meet you ,Mr.Joey.A:很高兴见到你,乔伊先生。B:Hello,Mr. lie.I would like to discuss with you the feasibilities of establishing a
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-21外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第50期:资金筹措
Raise the capital资金筹措A:Where on earth are we going to borrow at 3%?A:我们将从哪里筹借到3%?B:We can borrow from a bank, the gross interest rate will be something like 7%. With
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-21外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第49期:世界经济衰退
World recession世界经济衰退A: Now people are talking about world recession which started more than a year ago. Can you give us your personal assessment of the situation of the glob
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-21外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第48期:中美贸易关系
Sino-American trade relationship中美贸易关系A:How many years have you done business with China?A:你与中国的生意做了多久?B:Let me see about five years, we established our business
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-21外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第47期:投资环境
Investment environment投资环境A:Could you tell me something about investment environment of your country?A:你能告诉我们一些有关贵国投资环境的信息吗?B:Our country is a free trade n
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-20外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第46期:投资环境信息
Information about environment of invesment投资环境信息A:How do you do. I need your help in selecting a foreign market to invest!A:你好。我需要你帮助我选一个外国市场来投资。B:Fine.
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-20外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第33期:调研内容
Reserch content调研内容A:What problems will exporters face in moving to the foreign market?A:在转向国外市场时,出口商会面临哪些问题?B:An exporter needs to know the social charact
外贸英语口语话题2018-05-20外贸英语话口语话题(MP3+中英字幕) 第32期:出口研究的重要性
Importance of the export research出口研究的重要性A:The environment varies greatly because of difference in language, customs and traditions.A:由于语言、习惯和传统的不同,出口环境也会
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