栏目广告位一 |
Today, a federal appeals court hears arguments over one of the indictments of former President Trump.今天,一家联邦上诉法院听取了对前总统特朗普其中一项控告的辩论。The court considers
NPR News2024-02-06以最高法否决削弱其权力的司法改革
Israel's Supreme Court says the government cannot limit the court's power after all.以色列最高法院表示,政府终究无法限制法院的权力。By a narrow majority, the court struck dow
NPR News2024-02-06美军继续向胡塞武装发射导弹
The United States is escalating its fighting in Yemen. 美国正在升级其在也门的战斗。What does it hope to accomplish?美国希望实现什么目标?The U.S. has repeatedly fired missiles into
NPR News2024-02-06三名候选人领跑共和党总统初选
Coming out of Monday's Iowa caucuses, just three major candidates remain.周一爱荷华州的党团会议结束后,只剩下三名主要候选人。Iowa made this Republican primary a two-person race.
NPR News2024-02-06布林肯再访以色列 希望化解危机
The top U.S. diplomat faces a test today of how much influence the United States really has over its ally, Israel.美国最高外交官今天面临一个考验,那就是美国对其盟友以色列的影响力到底
NPR News2024-02-06驻约旦美军士兵遭无人机袭击3人死亡
Here's what the United States does and does not want to do after an attack in the Middle East.以下是美国在中东遭受袭击后的想做之事与不想做之事。The U.S. does want to respond to
NPR News2024-02-06密歇根枪击案嫌疑人父母被控四项罪行
Jury selection is scheduled to begin today in a Michigan case that could set a precedent over whether a parent can be held criminally responsible for the actions of their child.密
NPR News2024-02-06共和党初选仅剩特朗普和黑利的双人战
The New Hampshire primary takes place today, and it's now essentially a two-person race on the Republican side.新罕布什尔州的初选今天开始,现在共和党这方基本上是两个人的竞争。Yea
NPR News2024-02-06大量移民非法越境后在加州搭起帐篷
For many migrants, the first glimpse they get of America is three open-air camps in the cold.对于许多移民来说,寒冷中的三个露天营地是他们对美国的最初一瞥。Migrants crossed the border
NPR News2024-02-06以色列扩大地面进攻 加沙平民无处可去
Israel's military says it has expanded its ground offensive in Gaza and is now targeting Hamas strongholds all across the Gaza Strip.以色列军方说,他们扩大了加沙地带的地面进攻,现
NPR News2024-02-06感恩节临近, 美航为迎接3000万乘客做准备
Millions of Americans, my family among them, will travel this week for Thanksgiving.数以百万计的美国人,包括我的家人,将在本周外出过感恩节。The Transportation Security Administration,
NPR News2024-02-06布林肯开启第三次中东行
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is making his third trip to the Middle East since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7. 自哈马斯10月7日袭击以色列以来,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯正在对
NPR News2024-02-06拜登参观CS Wind工厂挑起争端
As Blinken heads to the Middle East, President Biden focuses on his domestic agenda today.在布林肯前往中东之际,拜登总统今天将注意力放在了国内议程上。Yeah. He's traveling to Pueb
NPR News2024-01-05阿根廷新总统大幅削减政府部门
Argentina's newly elected far-right president, Javier Milei, was sworn into office over the weekend.阿根廷新当选的极右翼总统哈维尔·米莱上周末宣誓就职。The former TV personalit
NPR News2024-01-05特朗普被裁定无总统参选资格
The Colorado Supreme Court issued an historic ruling yesterday.科罗拉多州最高法院昨天发布了一项历史性的裁决。It said Donald Trump is not eligible to become president again because
NPR News2024-01-05特朗普计划避开第二次出庭作证
Donald Trump plans to avoid testifying for a second time in the New York civil fraud trial against him and his company.在指控特朗普以及他的公司的纽约民事欺诈审判中,唐纳德·特朗普计
NPR News2024-01-05巴以冲突持续一个月
One month ago, Israelis and Palestinians woke up to war.一个月前,以色列人和巴勒斯坦人开启了战争。Israeli officials say the Hamas massacre in southern Israel on October 7 killed an e
NPR News2023-11-16谷歌CEO为垄断案出庭作证
All right. We're a couple of months into a huge and complicated monopoly trial against Google.好,针对谷歌的一场巨大而复杂的垄断审判已经进行了数月时间了。Yeah, the Justice Depart
NPR News2023-11-16美新任众议院议长将提交只援助以色列的法案
House Republicans have a new bill that would send roughly $14 billion to Israel, but it would not provide any funding for Ukraine.众议院共和党人提出了一项新法案:将向以色列提供大约14
NPR News2023-11-16以军要求加沙北部居民撤往南部
We have a glimpse today of life for civilians in what Israel's defense minister has called a complete siege of Gaza.今天,我们可以一窥以色列国防部长所说的全面包围下的加沙老百姓的
NPR News2023-11-03拜登要求为乌克兰、以色列提供援助资金
OK, the white House plans to ask Congress this week for billions of dollars in overseas spending.好,白宫计划本周向国会申请数十亿美元的海外支出。Yeah, money to help both Israel and U
NPR News2023-11-03罢工的好莱坞编剧与电影公司达成初步协议
Your favorite late night TV shows might soon return with new episodes and new content.你最喜欢的深夜电视节目可能很快就会带着新剧集和新内容回归。Writers and Hollywood studios yester
NPR News2023-11-03加拿大总理指控印度政府暗杀加拿大人
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is accusing India's government of ordering the killing of a Sikh leader in British Columbia.加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多指控印度政府下令在不
NPR News2023-11-03美伊完成换囚 伊朗解冻60亿美元资产
After seeing their first moments of freedom yesterday, five Americans who had been detained in Iran will soon be reunited with their families in the U.S.昨天,见证了五名被伊朗拘留的
NPR News2023-11-03美众议院开启新一轮议长选举
OK. This week, House Republicans try again to select a House speaker.好。本周,众议院共和党人再次尝试选出众议院议长(speaker)。The math is the same as it was when Republicans unseated K
NPR News2023-11-03
栏目广告位二 |